
We’re a worker-owned agency that designs, builds and supports websites for organisations we believe in.

Maria cycling in Tajikistan

Maria Young

Accessibility, Developer

Pronouns: she/her

Front-end developer and certified web accessibility specialist, support-worker, project manager, covert designer – Maria has fingers in all the pies. She loves working and making friends with our clients, and knows most of their sites inside out.

Life before Agile Collective

Maria left Edinburgh College of Art with a degree in Visual Communication and no idea what to do with her life. She meandered through jobs as a photographer, cook, graphic designer, she dabbled in metaphysics and care work. When she finally found her way to Agile Collective’s door she saw an opportunity to use all of those skills.

Since then she’s found the answers to the questions she didn't know she had: open source, co-operation, accessibility.

And cycling.

Wide sea landscape on Lindesfarne, Maria standing in the foreground
Maria cooking

When Maria’s not at work

Maria rides bikes. Sometimes a very long way. She recently spent a year cycling from the UK to New Zealand. She does her best to encourage other people to ride their bikes too. She thinks it is Very Important.

She lives in the Scottish Borders where she ponders the big questions and continues – against all evidence – to believe that humans will be better to each other and their planet.

IAAP Certified CPWA
International Association of Accessibility Professionals: Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA)
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