
We’re a worker-owned agency that designs, builds and supports websites for organisations we believe in.

Blog posts: Planet Drupal

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    Sprint 9 Notes - LocalGov Drupal: Microsites

    Many of the team and council stakeholders were on holiday over August, so the team took the opportunity to perform some more user testing with available councils and made a number of user experiece improvements in sprint 9.

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    Integrating Salesforce with Drupal

    We're agnostic about the CRMs and other systems and services that our clients use, but we've seen a steady uptick in requirements for Salesforce integration from our clients and others like them in recent years, so thought it might be helpful to share some of our experience.

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    New website, new technologies

    Our new website uses a lot of interesting new technology. It is built using the JAMstack methodology (JavaScript, APIs, Markup) which means that Drupal is used for content management, Drupal then serves this content using JSON API (now in Drupal core) and this API is consumed by Gridsome to build the front end.