
We’re a worker-owned agency that designs, builds and supports websites for organisations we believe in.

Visual Design Audit

Visual design is crucial in conveying your brand's identity and values.

We conduct comprehensive visual design audits that assess and refine your website's aesthetic elements to ensure they align with your organisational goals and branding strategy.

Our audit focuses on creating a site that is focused on your users.

Our Visual Design Audit Process

Step one: context

We begin by understanding the purpose of your site and the needs of its users..

  • Review brand guidelines
  • Audience typology session
  • Organisational goals
  • Website services and communication strategy

Step 2: Evaluation

Our process begins with our team assessing your current visual design elements and examining their consistency, accessibility, and alignment with your brand identity and goals identified in the first step. Key areas of focus include:

  • Colours and Typography: Evaluating the effectiveness of your colour palette and font choices in conveying your brand's tone and enhancing readability.
  • Header and Footer Design: Reviewing these navigational elements for design and functionality to optimise user flow.
  • Imagery and Iconography: Assessing the relevance and consistency of visual content across the site.
  • Layout and Spacing: Analysing page layouts and space to ensure content clarity and hierarchy.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring a consistent and accessible user experience across all devices and screen sizes.
  • Interactive Elements: Reviewing the usability and visual appeal of buttons, links, and forms.
  • Accessibility: Checking compliance with accessibility standards for a more inclusive user experience.

We then provide a set of recommendations for enhancing the visual design of the site.

Step 3: Branding Document Feedback

We provide detailed feedback on your branding document, ensuring it guides a consistent and comprehensive visual representation across all digital platforms.

Step 4: Developing Design Guidelines

Based on our findings, we develop or refine your visual design guidelines, covering:

  • A cohesive colour scheme and typography standards.
  • Optimised imagery and icon usage.
  • Effective layout and responsive design practices.
  • Accessibility and interactive elements design.
  • Consistency across all visual components for stronger brand identity.

Step 5: After the audit

We offer support for developing the visual design of the site, implementing design changes and providing training for your team on maintaining visual design standards, focusing on long-term consistency and brand coherence.

Elevate your site with Agile Collective

Interpreting your brand for your site is a delicate balancing act of user expectations, promoting the right message, excitement and aesthetics. Let us help you assess how well your visual design is supporting your digital communications.

Visual Design Audit Lead

Book your free consultation. 

Case studies

Related services

  • User research
  • Brand design
  • Visual design