Open 2017 (day 1)
Finn reports on the Open 2017 conference - a two day conference about Platform Cooperativism.
Finn reports on the Open 2017 conference - a two day conference about Platform Cooperativism.
Something has been brewing in the tech co-op community: the idea of meeting up and sharing ideas between co-ops working in the same space, and possibly finding ways to work more closely together.
The first day of sessions at Drupalcon starts with the 'prenote', the keynote and the group photograph.
Notes on the sessions I attended in the afternoon: Configuration management, theory and practice | Super Collaborative Design Processes | Does Drupal need a Platform Co-op? (BOF)
Notes on the sessions I attended on day 3 of Drupalcon: Keynote | JSON API | Scrum Drupal Nirvana | How Al Jazeera built a future-focused Digital Platform with Drupal 8| Continuous Integration to automate your Drupal workflow
The first day of Drupalcon includes paid training, the Business Summit, and the all important Community Summit.
A look at how responsive images, sliders and cropping works in Drupal 8
We sometimes ask ourselves 'what is it all for?' Not every day, but every now and then. And how we answer determines what we do next.
Our small contribution to Co-ops Fortnight and our local environment
An overview of the main changes to the Drupal 8 theming layer, with a collection of technical details that can help you begin working on a Drupal 8 site.
Matthew Fletcher experiences Drupalcamp London for the first time.
Using behaviour-driven development to rapidly describe, implement and test a news management platform.
A client's perspective: A tale of international collaboration
Front-end ops focuses on the processes and automation of developing and theming websites from the perspective of a front-end developer.
Finn visits Barcelona for Drupalcon 2015
Avigail writes about her first steps in web development as Agile Collective's latest apprentice.
Once again I find myself in Birmingham Town Hall, with my colleague Maria, ready for the annual Co-operatives Congress.
Agile Collective attempt their first Visioning & Strategy weekend...
Youlbury Scout Camp in Oxford hosted the 2015 Worker Co-op Weekend, an event for worker co-operatives to come together to share experiences, learn from each other, bond, socialise, network and have some fun.
Using the config management system and an install profile with content imported from Google Spreadsheets