Sprint 6 Notes - LocalGov Drupal: Microsites
Belated sprint notes for sprint 6.
Belated sprint notes for sprint 6.
With a few of the Microsites project team away, and some social engagements to enjoy, we still made steady progress in Sprint 5: integrating findings from user testing, theme improvements and directories!
User testing of the early prototype is complete! In this sprint, we aimed to test the architecture and user experience of creating new microsites, assigning users, configuring the look and feel, and adding content to a page. With 14 users across 5 councils lined up, we invited Kayo from Telltale Research as well as our own Steph and Rae to help.
A belated update on work done in sprint 3 of the LocalGov Drupal Microsites project.
A slow start and a bank holiday reduced our resources on sprint 2, but we're going in the right direction and accelerating as we go, with some great foundational work on both the technical architecture and the wider content strategy considerations that councils need to consider before jumping to a microsite conclusion.
A review of the progress made during LocalGov Drupal Microsites Sprint 1 (April 2022), including several proofs-of-concept and one proposal.
A reflection on my first two months studying UX Design.
LocalGov Drupal Microsites project gets off to a strong start with Sprint zero.
An insight into my first month as a Junior UX Design Apprentice, being a newcomer to the industry and working towards a UX Design diploma!
The final sprint of the current phase of funded work comes to an exciting conclusion with a number of LocalGov Drupal sessions at DrupalCon and some significant new features released.
Sometimes it’s good to get out of the office, away from the screens and try something a little different.
For the last 12 months or so I have been delighted to collaborate with our friends at Outlandish on a new service called Building OUT.
Time to make a website to explain to people what we do.
Sprint 8 picked up the pace again
A belated update from sprint 7 where we focussed on documentation and onboarding.
Officially, proudly, and literally a Web Accessibility Specialist.
A tired but productive team is ready for a well-deserved break, but first a little update on progress before we pause, including integration with Open Referral UK, and default publishing workflow on a fresh install of LocalGov Drupal.
Catch up on progress and reflections from the team as Sprint 5 of the LocalGov Drupal beta project comes to an end.
Reporting from the front line where work continues at a fair pace.
More good progress on LocalGov Drupal with working groups starting to gain their independence.